Teacher Leadership Post- Masters Certificate

The Teacher Leadership Certification Program/Teacher Leadership Certification-Only is designed to prepare and develop the capacity for teachers to serve in various teacher leadership roles (i.e. instructional coaching, chairing academic departments, providing professional learning opportunities, building a school culture of continuous improvement, and becoming change agents).  

This 18-hour GaPSC certification program will enable experienced teachers, who have a graduate degree in a discipline other than Teacher Leadership, to plan and lead professional development; mentor and coach other teachers; align curriculum, instruction, and assessment; model best teaching practices; analyze data and collaborate with all stakeholders to improve student learning.  

Successful completion of the courses listed in the certification-only program will make students eligible for a S-5 Service Certificate in Teacher Leadership from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC).


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Program Snapshot

This program is a part of the Clarice C. and Leland H. Bagwell College of Education.


Department of Educational Leadership

Kennesaw State University
Department of Educational Leadership
580 Parliament Garden Way,
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Phone: 470-578-4377

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